Human Resource Software
KazLipa® payroll & Human Resource
KAZLIPA® is a full featured payroll system with full capabilities and that is extremely easy to use. You can use it to run your payroll whether you are a single company or multi-company organization because it supports multiple hire and pay companies. That is, the software will produce reports for several other companies within your group and enable payments at different times.
It produces all required reports and can export net payments to any bank. The format required by your bank can be created by yourself or done by our team and then sent to to you to add it to the menu. It can also export data to financial institutions, government agencies such as NSSF, NHIF and lets you configure all these by yourself.
It will handle any payroll because the pay codes are easily added or modified by yourself. The software comes with a range of pay codes that you can adopt and use or copy to make your own. They range from earning methods, deduction parameters and taxation based on flat amounts, percentages, lookup tables or combination of all these. They will cover all known area of concern such as employer contribution, exemptions, relief, base or gross salary pegging, amount limiting, pension, hours, leave, overtime and so on.
You do not have to redo your salary every month because recurrent amounts whether based on formulas or not can be done for you every month. You are also given the opportunity to run several trial payrolls until you are satisfied before committing the final pay. The trial payroll can be based on an individual, a group or a company.
Employee Information
With just minimal information, new employees can be setup and ready to be paid. Additional information, when available, can be added to the master file with our easy employee payroll set up system. The system allows only unique employee number and it is impossible to have duplicates.
Employee Lookups
A simple multifaceted employee lookup is available in all screens and locating employees can be done by partial first or last names, employee type, company or location. This lookup is used in the master file as well as during payroll input.
Multiple Pay Transactions by Employee
An unlimited number of pay earnings, deductions, taxes and other rates can be maintained for each employee. This is important if you have employees who work at different jobs with different rates of pay.
Historical Data
Historical data is recorded up to the capacity of your computers and the rest can be archived in MS Excel Formats. Reports can select from current and historical data – for example you can reproduce an employee’s tax card of several years ago.
Payroll Data Input
Import data from a time and attendance system – KAZLIPA can accept payroll input from any time clock or time keeping system that produces an interface.
Import data in Excel® format
KAZLIPA can import data entered into an Excel® worksheet. Use this feature to import hours, pay transactions, mass basic increments.
Trial Payroll
You have the ability to ask “what if” by running a trial payroll for an employee, pay group or the whole company. You can view trial payslips and reports and correct if necessary before running the final payroll.
Payroll Processing
Process payroll on your schedule – Since you control the payroll process, you process payroll at any time at your convenience. You can process one employee, pay group or single companies. Each pay group can be weekly, biweekly, monthly or any frequency you choose.
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